Janice Licalsi formerly Gennaro is a former police officer who served in the New York City Police Department 15th Precinct.
Physical Description[]
Throughout the Series[]
Season 1[]
A uniformed police officer, Licalsi was assigned to the fictional 15th precinct. She took her mother's maiden name when she joined the force. Her father Dominic Gennaro, also a police officer, was on the payroll of mob boss Angelo Marino, who subsequently used this information to blackmail her into working for him.

Janice pulling out her gun and killing Marino and the driver in episode 4B or Not 4B
Marino orders Licalsi to kill Detective John Kelly. In order to accomplish this, she entered into a relationship with Kelly, but ended up falling in love with him. Licalsi was unable to kill Kelly and instead killed both Marino and his driver.
Some time after Marino's death, Licalsi was contacted by mob boss Tommy Linardi, who has proof that she was working for Marino. She informs OCCB Inspector Lastarza, who unofficially assigns her to work undercover as an informant, a situation which strains her relationship with Kelly.

Janice breaking down in tears,reading his fathers suicide note to Kelly
Janice waits near Detective Kelly apartment complex, sitting on the opening stairs. Kelly sits down with her. Janice tells him that his dad committed suicide and wrote a suicide note. She breaks down in tears, Kelly starts comforting her and the episode Brown Appetite ends with that scene.

Janice kissing Kelly and asking for forgiveness in episode True Confessions
Janice is at the same bar where officers and all detectives were drinking. Kelly notices Janice at the back of the bar and sits there with her. Kelly tells Janice that she had too much to drink, she replies that she is such an easy date. Janice starts confessing to killing Marino and his limo driver with her voice pitched upward so everyone could hear it too and kisses him once, Kelly tries to stop her saying all that, she walks away.

Janice meeting Kelly before the arrest warrant is served in episode Personal Foul
Detectives and police officers are intending to arrest all the people in connection to heroin cutting room. Detective Kelly says he has no problem with working together again on this thing. The police is making a raid to the apartment complex. During the takedown Janice Licalsi notices a man rushing out from the closet door, Detective Kelly shooting rounds near his body, making him freeze up and go down by the other police officers.

Kelly meeting Janice in episode NYPD Lou
Kelly is meeting with Janice at her place. He tells her if she wants to go further with their intimate relationship. Kelly puts his tie around her neck and approach to kiss each other.
After Linardi and his associates are murdered, a notebook belonging to Marino is entered into evidence. The notebook contains Licalsi's name, and Kelly gives Licalsi the opportunity to destroy the pages incriminating her.
At the end of the first season, Licalsi is promoted to detective on the recommendation of Inspector Lastarza. She is temporarily assigned to the 15th squad pending a transfer to the intelligence division. She feels guilty over her actions involving the mob and, on Kelly's recommendation, speaks to a priest. Following this conversation, she surrenders herself to Lt. Arthur Fancy and confesses to murder. Upon her arrest, Kelly contracts for her a high-priced lawyer and pays her bail.
Kelly testifies at Licalsi's trial on her behalf, instigating an internal affairs investigation. The two resume their relationship during the course of the trial. Licalsi is convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to two years in prison, though her lawyer insists that she'll get work release after six months.
Season 2[]

Janice appearing in court, televised from a street bar where John Kelly is having a drink
Janice returns to visit John Kelly before her trial begins,tells that she wasn't followed by anyone. She tells Kelly that she has some doubts about him testifying and incriminating himself to the jury. He confronts her that he can take care of himself. John Kelly is having a bar meetup with Robin Wirkus, he tells that their thing is not going to work out because he still has feelings for Janice, Robin leaves heavily emotionally hurt when she heard that.
- Amy Brenneman is credited for the whole duration of season 1 but doesn't appear in 6 episodes. The character was written out of season 2 after technical advisor and producer Bill Clark became uneasy with the thought of having a murderous police officer as a main character.