- 22 Skidoo
- 4B or Not 4B
- A.D.A. Sipowicz
- A Box of Wendy
- A Death In the Family
- A Draining Experience
- A Hole in Juan
- A Little Dad'll Do Ya
- A Murder With Teeth In It
- A Remington Original
- A Sudden Fish
- A Tushful of Dollars
- A Wrenching Experience
- Abandando Abandoned
- Adrienne Lesniak
- Aging Bull
- Alfonse Giardella
- Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore
- All's Wells That Ends Well
- Along Came Jones
- And the Wenner Is...
- Andy Appleseed
- Andy Sipowicz
- Andy Sipowicz Jr.
- Angela Bohi
- Anthony Lastarza
- Arrested Development
- Arthur Fancy
- Auntie Maimed
- Baby Love
- Bad Rap
- Baldwin Jones
- Bale Out
- Bale of the Chief
- Bats Off to Larry
- Below the Bet
- Better Laid Than Never (Part 1)
- Better Laid Than Never (Part 2)
- Big Bang Theory
- Black Men Can Jump
- Bobby Simone
- Bombs Away
- Bottoms Up
- Boxer Rebellion
- Brother's Keeper
- Brothers Under Arms
- Brown Appetit
- Burnin' Love
- Caulksmanship
- Charlotte Ross
- Chatty Chatty, Bang Bang
- Closing Time
- Cold Heaters
- Colonel Knowledge
- Connie McDowell
- Cop Suey
- Cop in a Bottle
- Cops and Robber
- Curt Russell
- Czech Bouncer
- Danny Boy
- Danny Sorenson
- Das Boots
- Daveless in New York
- Dead Girl Walking
- Dead Man Talking
- Dead Meat in New Deli
- Dead and Gone
- Death by Cycle
- Dennis Franz
- Diane Russell
- Dirty Laundry
- Dirty Socks
- Divorce Detective Style
- Don't Kill the Messenger
- Don't Meth With Me
- Don We Now Our Gay Apparel
- Donna Abandando
- Double Abandando
- Dress for Success
- Dying to Testify
- E.R.
- Emission Accomplished
- Emission Impossible
- Everybody Plays the Mule
- Everyone Into the Poole
- Family Ties
- Fish Out of Water
- Flight of Fancy
- Fools Russian
- For Whom the Skell Rolls
- Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
- Frickin' Fraker
- From Hare to Eternity
- Girl Talk
- Good Time Charlie
- Goodbye Charlie
- Great Balls of Ire
- Greg Medavoy
- Grime Scene
- Guns & Hoses
- Guns 'N' Rosaries
- Gypsy Woe's Me
- Half-Ashed
- Hammer Time
- Hand Job
- Hardwick
- He's Not Guilty, He's My Brother
- Head Case
- Healthy McDowell Movement
- Hearts and Souls
- Heavin' Can Wait
- Here Comes the Son
- Ho Down
- Hollie and the Blowfish
- Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
- Humpty Dumped
- I'll Draw You a Map
- I Don't Wanna Dye
- I Have a Dream
- I Kid You Not
- I Like Ike
- I Love Lucy
- I Love My Wives, But Oh You Kid
- Ice Follies
- In-Laws, Outlaws
- In Goddness We Trussed
- In The Still of the Night
- In the Butt, Bob
- In the Wind
- Innuendo
- Is Paring Burning?
- It's to Die For
- It Takes a Village
- Its not about the phone... Need help from NYPD..
- Jackass
- James Martinez
- James Sinclair Esq.
- Janet Grafton
- Janice Licalsi
- Jealous Hearts
- Jerry Downey
- Jill Kirkendall
- Jimmy Craig
- John Clark, Jr
- John Irvin
- John Kelly
- Johnny Got His Gold
- Josh Goldstein
- Judas Priest
- Jumpin' Jack Fleishman
- Keeping Abreast
- La Bomba
- Large Mouth Bass
- Laughlin All Way to the Clink
- Laura Michaels Kelly
- Laura Murphy
- Lenny Scissorhands
- Less Is Morte
- Lie Like a Rug
- Little Abner
- Loogie Nights
- Lost Isreal (Part 1)
- Lost Isreal (Part 2)
- Lost Time
- Lou the Werewolf
- Love Hurts
- Low Blow
- Lucky Luciano
- Marine Life
- Maya Con Dios
- Maybe Baby
- Meat Me in the Park
- Meet the Grandparents
- Michael DiLeo
- Mike Roberts
- Mister Roberts
- Moby Greg
- Mom's Away
- Moving Day
- My Dinner With Andy
- My Wild Irish Nose
- NYPD Blue
- NYPD Blue Wiki
- NYPD Lou
- Nariz a Nariz
- Nude Awakening
- Numb and Number
- Oedipus Wrecked
- Off the Wall
- Officer Martelli
- Oh, Golly Goth
- Oh, Mama
- Old Man Quiver
- Old Yeller
- On the Fence
- One Big Happy Family
- One in the Nuts
- Only Schmucks Pay Income Tax
- Oscar, Meyer, Weiner
- Passing the Stone
- Peeler? I Hardly Knew Her
- Peeping Tommy
- Personal Foul
- Pilot
- Porn Free
- Prostrate Before the Law
- Puppy Love
- Raging Bulls
- Rapheal's Inferno
- Remembrance of Humps Past
- Rita Ortiz
- Robin Wirkus
- Rockin' Robin
- Roll Out the Barrel
- Russellmania
- Safari, So Good
- Safe Home
- Season 1
- Season 10
- Season 11
- Season 12
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Season 4
- Season 5
- Season 6
- Season 7
- Season 8
- Season 9
- Seminal Thinking
- Serge the Concierge
- Sergeant Sipowicz Lonely Hearts Club Band
- Shear Stupidity
- Sheedy Dealings
- Show and Tell
- Simone Says
- Sleep Over
- Sorry, Wong Suspect
- Speak for Yourself, Bruce Clayton
- Steroid Roy
- Stoli With a Twist
- Stratis Fear
- Stresses for Success
- Sylvia Costas
- Taillight's Last Gleaming
- Tain't Misbehavin'
- Take My Wife, Please
- Tea and Sympathy
- Ted and Carey's Bogus Adventure
- Tempest in a C-Cup
- The 3-H Club
- The Backboard Jungle
- The Bank Dick
- The Bookie and Kooky Cookie
- The Brothers Grim
- The Dead Donald
- The Final Adjustment
- The Irvin Files
- The Last Round Up
- The Man With Two Right Shoes
- The Naked Are the Dead
- The Nutty Confessor
- The One That Got Away
- The Truth Is Out There
- The Vision Thing
- These Old Bones
- These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin
- Thick Stu
- This Bud's for You
- This Old Spouse
- Thomas Bale
- Three Girls and a Baby
- Thumb Enchanted Evening
- Ti the Road, Clark
- Tom and Geri
- Tony Rodriguez
- Top Gum
- Torah! Torah! Torah!
- Tranny Get Your Gun
- Travels With Andy
- Traylor Trash
- Trials & Tribulations
- True Confessions
- Twin Petes
- Two Clarks in a Bar
- Un-American Graffiti
- Under Covers
- Unembraceable You
- Up on the Roof
- Upstairs, Downstairs
- Vernon Shore
- Vincent Agostini
- Vishy-Vashy-Vinny
- Voir Dire This
- Waking Up Is Hard to Do
- We Was Robbed
- Weaver of Hate
- Welcome toe New York
- What's Up, Chuck?
- What's Your Poison?
- What A Dump!
- Where'd the Van Gogh
- Where's Swaldo
- Who's Your Daddy?
- Who Murders Sleep
- Writing Wrongs
- Yes, We Have No Cannolis
- Yes Sir, That's My Baby
- Yo, Adrian
- You're Buggin' Me
- You're Under a Rasta
- You've Got Mail
- You Bet Your Life
- You Da Bomb
- Your Bus, Ted
- Zeppo Marks Brothers